"As much as 80% of adult “success” comes from EQ."
- Daniel Goleman
Develop emotional intelligence to maximize effectiveness.
Are you having difficulty…
Feeling people misunderstand your passions and/or expression of ideas negatively- seeing it as anger or resistance?
Struggle with having you or your team meet deadlines?
Find your ideas or work are not acknowledged or understood by your team or leadership?
Elevate your skills, grow your business or serve your employees with an assessment tool that is truly transformational. Emotional intelligence is proven to be a key indicator of human performance and development. People higher in emotional intelligence communicate effectively, form strong relationships, and create powerful coping strategies.
Emotional Intelligence - What does it mean?
The explosion of ‘Emotional Intelligence’ on the corporate scene in the 1980s as a more valid means for determining success.
The term ‘emotional intelligence’ as a scientifically testable form of “intelligence” stems from an article published in 1990 by two researchers, Peter Salavoy and John Mayer. It was later popularized by Dan Goleman in his 1995 book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Unlike Intelligence Tests assessing your academic knowledge, EI refers to emotional and social skills that help us express ourselves and develop and maintain relationships.
The EQ 2.0 is an assessment of Emotional Intelligence that can help gain understanding over how a group or individual’s emotional-relational makeup affects their workmanship. It can make sense of some work successes and challenges encountered.
What does EQ 2.0 / EQ 360 measure?
A research-based cross-cultural assessment of your emotional and social skills that influence the way we:
Perceive and express ourselves,
Develop and maintain social relationships,
Cope with challenges, and
Use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.
The EQ-i 2.0 model of emotional intelligence is comprised of fifteen factors across five categories of functioning. These skills, which form the building blocks of abilities such as communication, resilience, and time management, can be mapped theoretically and empirically to job competencies, productivity, academic performance, and other measures of success to help predict and improve functioning.

How can EQ 2.0 be used?
Individuals can gain insight into their skills and patterns of interpersonal, decision-making, stress-management, selfperception, and self-expression. From this awareness one can develop practical skills to be more successful in their day to day relationships and interactions. The intention is to increase their success in the workplace and personal life.
The EQ2.0 can bring to light working team dynamics that create roadblocks and strengths. Through a group EQ2.0 assessment groups can increase cohesion with the awareness of inefficient styles of communicating, relating, decision making, and perception.
Another utilization is for Leadership development. Understanding how to enhance and develop one’s leadership skills can be liberating to being successful. The EQ2.0 has also been widely used for hiring purposes. It can help identify how a candidate will fit into the culture of the organization.
In summary, EQ 2.0 has three types of assessment. They each offer practical information on current interrelational and intrapersonal strengths and means for development if they want to achieve a different outcome. Depending on your needs you can choose:
Client/Workplace – individualized report providing insight into how function, communicate, and overall wellbeing. Purposes: How fit within an organization/hiring, identify individual strengths and development.
Leadership- measuring ability to motivate self and others, organizational oriented skills, and process based skills (time management, getting things done, reaching goals). Purpose: Leadership development, organizational fit.
Group- looks at individual results within the context of a group, organization, or team. Purpose: Identify team development goals, areas of strength or growth.
EQ360 is another means of assessment through the feedback a circle of colleague on your professional skills. You choose the raters from a range of professional relationships on strengths and challenges.
Given the two types of assessment – EQ2.0 and EQ360 – you can one or both. From there you can select the types within each as follow:
EQ360 Feedback
Workplace Purpose: Identify blind spots, get feedback from leadership, coworkers, and peers In the workplace, compares self evaluation with self selected raters at different levels of relationship.
Leadership Purpose: Identify blind spots, leadership potential, compares self evaluation with self selected raters at different levels of relationship.
Fee Structure:
Cost for the Test::
EQ 2.0
Client/Workplace - $100
Leadership- $150
Group- $300
EQ360 Feedback
Workplace- $300
Leadership- $400
Assessment type(s) analysis and coaching package for $1200 and will include:
Initial meeting to identify your outcome intentions from the assessment
Confidential report with your results
60 minutes debrief over analytics of the report
3 coaching sessions to follow up on development goals identified from the assessment
Group/Organizational rate TBD by number of employees and objectives.